83 Ways We Can Reduce the Deficit, According to CBO

The federal debt rose to nearly the size of our entire economy in fiscal year 2020, almost 10 years earlier than previously projected. Undoubtedly, the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic and the federal response to it caused the large rise in the debt last year. However, we were on an unsustainable path to begin with, and once the pandemic is behind us our fiscal challenges will remain. The national debt is on an unsustainable pathThe good news is that there are many options available to policymakers to put our nation on a better path. Recently, the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) highlighted 83 ways to reduce the deficit and improve our fiscal outlook — including options to cut spending and raise revenues.

Solutions to Reduce the National Deficit

On the spending side of the budget, 52 options are presented, including:

Lawmakers should use the options presented by CBO as a starting point for conversations about how to address the growing federal debt once the economy recovers from the pandemic. Our current fiscal situation deteriorated due to COVID-19 but is primarily the result of a fundamental mismatch between spending and revenues — and the CBO report includes options that address both, providing lawmakers with many possible paths for improving our fiscal outlook.

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